Our Mom’s not a crier. She’s kind, hard-working, helpful, thoughtful, volunteers at a local clinic, reads books, cooks, and gardens. She is not technically savvy. She does not cry. Best Buy made …
Turning Pro
One of my heroes, Steven Pressfield, from one of the three most important books in my life: The moment an artist turns pro is as epochal as the birth of his first child. With one stroke, everything …
Of Blind Spots and Bottlenecks
In spite of the holiday break, have you come back to energy-draining frustrations, inefficiencies, and a lack of productivity at work? Do you feel like the only treadmill you're on is the one keeping …
The Commitments
I got the idea from Chris Brogan: Every year since around 2006, I’ve been challenging people to forego the idea of a resolution, and instead, to come up with 3 words that will help you define your …
Sore Muscles
I tried quitting smoking six times in twenty years before I succeeded on February 21, 2008. I could usually make it a day or two - once I made it thirteen (is it weird I still remember …
2012: Your Year of ?
I got the idea from Roy. Toward the end of 2006, hurtling toward the end of an exhausting, shocking year, he declared to me in a business meeting that the following year would be his Year of Low …