Monday, Lynn wrote about what to say in email newsletters. Tomorrow, Tim will tell you when you should send them. In the meantime, the company curmudgeon is here to tell you when you …
Are You Ignoring Your Customers?
If a customer called you with a question, would you hang up on him without offering an answer? If someone someone asked you face-to-face about your business, would you ignore her until she finally …
Five Links To Start Your Day
I've shared five links with friends over the past 24 hours. If you haven't seen them, I think you might like one or more of them, too: Steven Pressfield: The Artist and the Addict - Pressfield is one …
Lawyers, Baby Owls & Twitter
Lots of people ask me about twitter. They say ‘they just don’t get it.’ That’s cool. I get that some people don’t get it. From now on, this is the story I’ll tell about why I personally use twitter … …
A Remarkably Sweet Tweet
Snap your fingers. Nope. Not fast enough -- these days, word travels even faster -- sometimes for better and sometimes for worse. Pete Bland (@xblandx on Twitter) has been a tremendous entertainment …